Calming and tasty Tea

I started making this tea years ago but just started to get back into it. I love Mint and this is a super easy recipe.


Mint tea recipe-

yields 2 cups

8 sprigs of fresh mint

1-2 tea bags ( I prefer earl gray, but some people like green tea.) 

2 tablespoons of honey

1 tsp of lemon juice

2 cups of water


Prepare the tea pot with water. Boil the water. Combine the mint, tea bags, honey, lemon juice in the tea pot. Let the tea rest for a few minutes. So the flavors can combine. Prepare the tea cups, and pour the tea into the cups. You can garnish the tea with a few sprigs of mint. Enjoy-

Kali orexi

Tips– You can add a tsp of lavender to your tea for a very calming effect.




*Our fresh home grown honey.




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