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Tag: prevent cancer

10 Super Spices That You Should Check Out!

Happy Tuesday to you all.  I have been researching spices that can prevent/ heal cancer and diabetes.  Since both of these run in my family I have been keeping an eye out for what to do or watch within my own diet. My dad and I have not been doing any sugar for the past week now and I have noticed a significant amount of change within my body.  I will be posting some recipes that will include natural sweeteners like agave nectar.  If you are thinking to throw out… Read more 10 Super Spices That You Should Check Out!

Mango: Saturday’s Food For Thought

Happy Saturday!! Saturday’s Food For Thought: Mangoes Mango Facts   Mangoes are one of the richest sources of vitamin A and vitamin C and minerals namely potassium, calcium and phosphorus.  Oval in shape and around five inches long, mangoes are heavy because of the single, large seed or stone in the middle. Mangoes were first cultivated in India several centuries ago. Most mangoes consumed in the U.S. are produced in Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Guatemala, and Haiti. Besides having more than 20 different vitamins and minerals, mangos contain flavonoids like betacarotene,… Read more Mango: Saturday’s Food For Thought

The Benefits Of Cranberries!

~Saturday’s Food For Thought~ When we think of holiday recipes I think of cranberries. Cranberries are todays topic. The Benefits Of Cranberries: Cranberries are very high in antioxidants and has… Read more The Benefits Of Cranberries!