Good day to you all, or good evening. ( I want to reach out to the whole world, so Good morning, Good Afternoon, Good evening WORLD.)

Just this morning, I came up with this great idea. It lets YOU, (the viewers), to be able to interact with me and share your thoughts and even vote! Every Thursday I feature a recipe from the viewers. You can be involved too, by simply submitting your very own unique and creative recipes , hoping it is of Mediterranean Cuisine, and emailing to us at

The rules are: Submit one recipe a week, Mediterranean style, creative and unique, include one picture of your recipe, title and name the recipe, and first and last name, and you’re 2 favorite ingredients to cook with.

Let’s have fun with this, and since we are towards the end of the month, I will have the viewers all vote for the best recipe by July 25th. We will announce the top recipe by August 1st.


Have fun and let’s get cooking! – Kali Orexi!

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